NetFlow Analyzer是一款专业的带宽监控与流量 协议分析软件,帮助用户了解网络流量构成、协议分布以及用户的行为。它利用Flow技术,支持NetFlow、sFlow、cflowd、J-Flow、IPFIX、NetStream等协议,


本文将介绍如何在Centos 7系统下安装该软件12.4版本。

1 安装前环境准备

1.1 将SELinux设置为permissive模式,并重新启动服务器

[root@centos ~]# sed -i ‘s/^SELINUX=.*/SELINUX=permissive/g’ /etc/selinux/config
[root@centos ~]# reboot

1.2 将从官网下载好的ManageEngine_NetFlowAnalyzer_64bit.bin安装包通过sftp工具上传至tmp目录
1.3 设置文件权限

[root@centos ~]# cd /tmp
[root@centos tmp]# ls
ManageEngine_NetFlowAnalyzer_64bit.bin yum.log
[root@centos tmp]# chmod a+x ManageEngine_NetFlowAnalyzer_64bit.bin
2 软件安装

2.1 进入安装文件所在目录,使用如下命令开始安装

[root@centos ~]# cd /tmp
[root@centos tmp]# ls
[root@centos tmp]# ./ManageEngine_NetFlowAnalyzer_64bit.bin
Preparing to install…
Extracting the JRE from the installer archive…
Unpacking the JRE…

2.2 接下来按照命令提示安装,其中有个步骤可以设定web端口,默认是8060,这里我改成8080,监听端口9996不变

Webserver port
Enter requested information
Enter the Web Server Port Number (Default: 8060): 8080
NetFlow Listener Port
Enter requested information
Enter the NetFlow Listener Port (Default: 9996):
Pre-Installation Summary
Please review the following before continuing:
Product Name:
ManageEngine NetFlowAnalyzer
Install Folder:
3 软件和服务配置

3.1 将软件变更为系统服务:进入安装好之后的软件的bin目录,运行 ./

[root@centos ~]# cd /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager/bin
[root@centos bin]# ./
Running Opmanager as Service
Opmanager Directory –> /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager/bin
Opmanager Service name –> OpManager.service
OpManager.service successfully placed in /etc/systemd/system/ directory
Enabling services –
Created symlink from /etc/systemd/system/ to /etc/systemd/system/OpManager.service.
Opmanager service is added successfully
To start the service login as superuser and use – systemctl start OpManager.service

3.2 启用netflow服务

[root@centos ~]# systemctl start OpManager.service

3.3 输入./ 运行程序

[root@centos ~]# cd /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager/bin
[root@centos bin]# ./
一月 03, 2020 1:30:34 下午 com.manageengine.silentmigration.SilentPatchUpdater getServerHome信息: SilentInstallation Home Dir : /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager
一月 03, 2020 1:30:37 下午 com.adventnet.persistence.ConfigurationParser$1 resolveEntity信息: /opt/ManageEngine/OpManager/bin/null/conf/customer-config.xml doesnt exists, hence it is skipped

Port Availability Module
8080 No Client
13306 No postgres
22 No SSHD
69 No TFTP
514 No Syslog
Server is already running
Connect to http://localhost:8080 to view the client

3.3 防火墙设置

[root@centos ~]# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=8080/tcp
[root@centos ~]# firewall-cmd –permanent –zone=public –add-port=9996/udp
[root@centos ~]# firewall-cmd –reload
4 Netflow的使用

在浏览器中输入NetFlow Server的地址并跟上设定好的Port即可,如下: