VSS是思科的一种交换机集群技术,可将两台物理交换机虚拟成一台逻辑交换机。两台物理交换机通过VSL链路连接,用于承载控制平面和转发平面流量。本文以两台Catalyst 4500为例,展示如何配置VSS。

VSS - Virtual Switching System
VSL - Virtual Switch Link


1. 配置Virtual Switch Domain和Switch Numbers

首先,您须在 VSS 的两台交换机上配置相同的Virtual Switch Domain。Virtual Switch Domain是1到255之间的数字。然后您须将一台交换机配置为Switch Number 1,另一台交换机配置为Switch Number 2。

SW1#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
SW1(config)#switch virtual domain 10
Domain ID 10 config will take effect only
after the exec command 'switch convert mode virtual' is issued
SW1(config-vs-domain)#switch 1
SW2#conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
SW2(config)#switch virtual domain 10
Domain ID 10 config will take effect only
after the exec command 'switch convert mode virtual' is issued
SW2(config-vs-domain)#switch 2
2. 配置VSL PortChannel

您需要在每台交换机上使用PortChannel配置 VSL。PortChannel号需要不一样,否则VSS不能正常建立将进入 RPR 模式。为避免这种情况,请为两个交换机上的两个PortChannel分配不同编号。

SW1(config)#int port-channel 5
SW1(config-if)#switch virtual link 1
SW1(config-if)#no shut
*Jan 24 05:19:57.092: %SPANTREE-6-PORTDEL_ALL_VLANS: Port-channel5 deleted from all Vlans
SW2(config)#int port-channel 10
SW2(config-if)#switch virtual link 2
SW2(config-if)#no shut
*Jan 24 05:14:17.273: %SPANTREE-6-PORTDEL_ALL_VLANS: Port-channel10 deleted from all Vlans
3. 配置VSL端口

将 VSL 物理端口添加到PortChannel。在以下示例中,Switch 1上的Gi7/3和Gi7/4接口连接到Switch 2上的Gi4/45和Gi4/46接口。

SW1(config)#int range gig7/3 - 4
SW1(config-if-range)#switchport mode trunk
SW1(config-if-range)#channel-group 5 mode on
WARNING: Interface GigabitEthernet7/3 placed in restricted config mode. All extraneous configs removed!
WARNING: Interface GigabitEthernet7/4 placed in restricted config mode. All extraneous configs removed!
SW2(config)#int range gig4/45 - 46
SW2(config-if-range)#switchport mode trunk
SW2(config-if-range)#channel-group 10 mode on
WARNING: Interface GigabitEthernet4/45 placed in restricted config mode. All extraneous configs removed!
WARNING: Interface GigabitEthernet4/46 placed in restricted config mode. All extraneous configs removed!

注意:一旦使用“channel-group”命令将接口放入VSL端口通道,则接口进入“notconnect”状态。Interface status显示为UP,但line protocol将down。接口将处于up/down状态,直到交换机在步骤 4 中重新启动。

4. 切换交换机至Virtual Switch模式

在switch 1上输入switch convert mode virtual命令将交换机转换为 Virtual Switch模式。系统创建一个转换后的配置文件,并将配置文件保存到bootflash,并自动重启。

SW1#switch convert mode virtual 

This command will convert all interface names
to naming convention "interface-type switch-number/slot/port",
save the running config to startup-config and
reload the switch.
Do you want to proceed? [yes/no]: yes
Converting interface names
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 6551 bytes to 2893 bytes[OK]
Saving converted configuration to bootflash: ...
Destination filename [startup-config.converted_vs-20130124-062921]?
Please stand by while rebooting the system...
Restarting system. 

Rommon (G) Signature verification PASSED  
Rommon (P) Signature verification PASSED  
FPGA   (P) Signature verification PASSED

同样的操作命令将switch 2转换为Virtual Switch模式:

SW2#switch convert mode virtual​ 

This command will convert all interface names
to naming convention "interface-type switch-number/slot/port",
save the running config to startup-config and
reload the switch.
Do you want to proceed? [yes/no]: yes
Converting interface names
Building configuration...
Compressed configuration from 6027 bytes to 2774 bytes[OK]
Saving converted configuration to bootflash: ...
Destination filename [startup-config.converted_vs-20130124-052526]?
Please stand by while rebooting the system...
Restarting system. 

Rommon (G) Signature verification PASSED  
Rommon (P) Signature verification PASSED  
FPGA   (P) Signature verification PASSED 

重启完毕后交换机将处于Virtual Switch模式,可以通过如下命令验证。

  • show switch virtual 查询virtual switch domain number和switch number及角色(Active or Standby)。
SW1#sh switch virtual 

Executing the command on VSS member switch role = VSS Active, id = 1 

Switch mode                  : Virtual Switch
Virtual switch domain number : 10
Local switch number          : 1
Local switch operational role: Virtual Switch Active
Peer switch number           : 2
Peer switch operational role : Virtual Switch Standby 

Executing the command on VSS member switch role = VSS Standby, id = 2  

Switch mode                  : Virtual Switch
Virtual switch domain number : 10
Local switch number          : 2
Local switch operational role: Virtual Switch Standby
Peer switch number           : 1
Peer switch operational role : Virtual Switch Active
  • Standby Switch用console登录后无法查看和修改配置,仅能看到如下提示:
Standby console disabled
  • show switch virtual role'查看交换机详细角色信息:
SW1#sh switch virtual role 

Executing the command on VSS member switch role = VSS Active, id = 1 

RRP information for Instance 1 

Valid Flags   Peer     Preferred Reserved
               Count     Peer       Peer  

TRUE   V       1           1         1  

Switch Switch Status Preempt       Priority Role     Local   Remote
       Number         Oper(Conf)   Oper(Conf)         SID     SID
LOCAL   1     UP     FALSE(N )     100(100) ACTIVE   0       0
REMOTE  2     UP     FALSE(N )     100(100) STANDBY 6834   6152  

Peer 0 represents the local switch  

Flags : V - Valid
In dual-active recovery mode: No  

Executing the command on VSS member switch role = VSS Standby, id = 2 

RRP information for Instance 2  

Valid Flags   Peer     Preferred Reserved
               Count     Peer       Peer  

TRUE    V       1           1         1  

Switch Switch Status Preempt       Priority Role     Local   Remote
       Number         Oper(Conf)   Oper(Conf)         SID     SID
LOCAL   2     UP     FALSE(N )     100(100) STANDBY  0       0
REMOTE  1     UP     FALSE(N )     100(100) ACTIVE   6152   6834 

Peer 0 represents the local switch

Flags : V - Valid
In dual-active recovery mode: No
  • show switch virtual link查看VSL链路状态:
SW1#sh switch virtual link  

Executing the command on VSS member switch role = VSS Active, id = 1 

VSL Status : UP
VSL Uptime : 3 minutes
VSL Control Link : Gi1/7/4  

Executing the command on VSS member switch role = VSS Standby, id = 2 

VSL Status : UP
VSL Uptime : 3 minutes
VSL Control Link : Gi2/4/45
  • show switch virtual link port-channel查看PortChannel信息:
SW1#sh switch virtual link port-channel 

Executing the command on VSS member switch role = VSS Active, id = 1 

Flags: D - down       P - bundled in port-channel
       I - stand-alone s - suspended
       H - Hot-standby (LACP only)
       R - Layer3     S - Layer2
       U - in use     N - not in use, no aggregation
       f - failed to allocate aggregator         

       M - not in use, no aggregation due to minimum links not met
       m - not in use, port not aggregated due to minimum links not met
       u - unsuitable for bundling
       d - default port  
       w - waiting to be aggregated  

Group Port-channel Protocol   Ports
5     Po5(SU)          -       Gi1/7/3(P) Gi1/7/4(P)
10    Po10(SU)         -       Gi2/4/45(P) Gi2/4/46(P)  

Executing the command on VSS member switch role = VSS Standby, id = 2  

Flags: D - down       P - bundled in port-channel
       I - stand-alone s - suspended
       H - Hot-standby (LACP only)
       R - Layer3     S - Layer2
       U - in use     N - not in use, no aggregation
       f - failed to allocate aggregator         
       M - not in use, no aggregation due to minimum links not met
       m - not in use, port not aggregated due to minimum links not met
       u - unsuitable for bundling
       d - default port  
       w - waiting to be aggregated 

Group Port-channel Protocol   Ports
5     Po5(SU)          -       Gi1/7/3(P) Gi1/7/4(P)
10    Po10(SU)         -       Gi2/4/45(P) Gi2/4/46(P) 

VSS正常运作后,交换机端口号由原来的Gi x/x自动转换成了Gi 1/x/x或Gi 2/x/x。1和2为两台硬件交换机编号,从逻辑上你可以把这两台交换机当作一台交换机了。你可以分别在这两台交换机上选一个端口比如Gi1/0/8和Gi2/0/8与其它交换机建立PortChannel。